Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mini Vacay Day 1

So my hubster is not one to stay in a job he doesn't like. And he really didn't like the last one so he got a new one. Yippee that people think he's good at what he does. Double yippee that he decided to take a week off between job 1 & 2 and we get to go on a mini vacation to the Southern Oregon coast.
The bummer is that there is a lot of driving between our house and pBrookings, Oregon. The double bummer is that my oldest son, Kie has supreme carsickness. Like, anytime youtakeacurvyroadtothebeachandeat asnackinthecaryoubarf carsickness. And today we drove I-5 which has some moments of curvy road. And we had sandwiches, watermelon and Doritos. Not a great combo.
It's actually kind of sad. He said he though he was going to throw up and I thought he was just trying to get a sour patch kid. We had an OT tell us once that sour things can settle an upset stomach. Anyhow so we pulled over and I was taking my sweet time getting him water, a towel and out of his seat. Luckily he mostly got the towel in time and his carseat (after a bit of poured water) was saved from the explosion. His clothes did not fare as well. Which is why there is a pic of me at the hotel laundry. Yippee!
Once we got here the view from our room, and proximity of the beach TOTALLY made up for it though!

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