Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jack Frost

So we went to see Rise of the Guardians last week (finally). Little man loved it. Big man had to leave the theater because the Boogeyman's nastiness was a bit too realistic. but he liked it anyway.
Tonight after Karate little man decided he wanted to be Jack Frost. We, of course, had to make the stick that Jack holds.
Luckily we had some leftover wrapping paper tube that provided a great body and then we covered it in white paper because little man said Jack's stick was white. Finally he added some watercolor brown spots to give the finishing touches.
Now just to find a blue hooded sweatshirt, and brown pants.
Oh and he tells me I can be the tooth fairy. Feathers anyone?
Ps this is our white board recreation of the cast. Pretty good huh?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Little Big man's Bed

So as I was changing the sheets on big man's bed tonight I was loving that most of his stuffed animals were homemade. We have a few books with characters and he picks them out and we attempt them. Some are also just random ideas I had or he had.

Every time I look anthem I think of all the stuffed animals my grandma made. And all the pillows my mom made (one of which is still on my younger son's bed).
I don't have girls but I have tried to instill a love of all things crafty and creative in my boys. My greatest hope is that when they are grown and I visit I will find some homemade creatures in their children's beds as well.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let it filters

Today's super quick and easy project is brought to you courtesy of Keurig. Now that I have one of those fancy machines I have no need for the coffee filters sitting in my cupboard. So what to do with them? Craft of course! Super easy to fold them 3 times, and then cut. My 4 yr old loved it. Wants to make more every day. Even if it's not snowing outside we can make our own snowstorm.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cotton Ball Christmas Decorations

Cotton balls, toilet paper rolls, and construction paper make the best decorations.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Turkey window

So I had seen this on another blog and thought I'd try it out. Water color on a coffee filter. The original post had you fold the filter in half to make the tail but Mihir has a crafty mind of his own and decided that was unnecessary. Turned out pretty cute. Mine are not as cute but they're okay.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Christmas Crafty

So I am trying to do a few little homemade crafts this year for Christmas. I started on a project of embroidering each family member a little ornament that has one of their favorite things on it. Two down, a bunch to go. I think the unicorn turned out pretty cute. The other one is supposed to be a frizzle-which for those of you not in the know- is a type of chicken. Of course I still need to turn these two into ornaments but it's fun, easy tondo while the boys watch a movie, and small enough that I can accomplish it by Christmas. That's a win in my book.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm in my element!

Not really. But both my sons want to be Finn from Adventure Time for Halloween so I am making hats. White hats with ears. We'll see how the complete outfit comes together but for now I'm one hat down, one to go!