Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm in my element!

Not really. But both my sons want to be Finn from Adventure Time for Halloween so I am making hats. White hats with ears. We'll see how the complete outfit comes together but for now I'm one hat down, one to go!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lunch box love

So I saw all these super cute little lunch box love notes on blogs lately and thought I could do that. So I am. Mine are not as cute, obviously, but they are quick and easy. I got out blank 3x5 index cards and some markers and then googled kids food jokes. I got quite a few hits and found some jokes I could work with.
The finished product is fold the card. Put joke question on front. Punch line inside along with a little note from me. I've made 3 so far and we'll see how long into the school year (okay who are we kidding next week) we'll last.