Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let it snow...coffee filters

Today's super quick and easy project is brought to you courtesy of Keurig. Now that I have one of those fancy machines I have no need for the coffee filters sitting in my cupboard. So what to do with them? Craft of course! Super easy to fold them 3 times, and then cut. My 4 yr old loved it. Wants to make more every day. Even if it's not snowing outside we can make our own snowstorm.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Cotton Ball Christmas Decorations

Cotton balls, toilet paper rolls, and construction paper make the best decorations.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Turkey window

So I had seen this on another blog and thought I'd try it out. Water color on a coffee filter. The original post had you fold the filter in half to make the tail but Mihir has a crafty mind of his own and decided that was unnecessary. Turned out pretty cute. Mine are not as cute but they're okay.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Christmas Crafty

So I am trying to do a few little homemade crafts this year for Christmas. I started on a project of embroidering each family member a little ornament that has one of their favorite things on it. Two down, a bunch to go. I think the unicorn turned out pretty cute. The other one is supposed to be a frizzle-which for those of you not in the know- is a type of chicken. Of course I still need to turn these two into ornaments but it's fun, easy tondo while the boys watch a movie, and small enough that I can accomplish it by Christmas. That's a win in my book.